10 Things Dogs Hate When Humans Do.

 10 Things Dogs Hate When Humans Do.

10 Things Dogs Hate When Humans Do.
10 Things Dogs Hate When Humans Do.

10 Things We Neglect That Dogs Hate.

 Do you own a dog?! Did you know that you might be bothering your dog without realizing it?! Despite dogs being lenient with some human behaviors due to their tolerant and loyal nature towards their owners, they may be annoyed by certain actions that we do without noticing. 

 So, we will tell you things that dogs hate. Perhaps many people think that few things might bother a dog. We see Those things, such as fear when trying to bathe them, avoiding eye contact, and attempting to avoid hugs or other signals that indicate discomfort and tightness. Dogs may also feel distress and depression when they don't get what they want.

 Even the calmest dogs can be bothered by some inevitable things, such as visiting the vet, grooming, and decorating their bodies. But the good news is that there are other ways to make our interaction with dogs easier and more flexible without bothering them or causing them distress. Even if they look alike, dogs may differ in temperament; what one dog hates, another may enjoy and find delightful. 

 In this article, we have compiled 10 things we often do that dogs hate.

1. Hugging Dogs:

 One of the sweetest scenes we witness is when someone hugs their dog, and the dog appears happy. However, the sad reality is that we may not notice that happiness in the dog's eyes. This is because many dogs don't like hugs, especially from strangers. 

 When someone puts their arms around the dog's neck or body, dogs may perceive it as a threat. Some dogs may tolerate gentle hugs from familiar individuals, but it doesn't necessarily mean they enjoy it.

 If you want to hug your dog, it's better to let them initiate it in their way. Instead, you can pet them on their back or chest, especially if you don't know them well. 

 Since there are exceptions to every rule, some dogs do enjoy and crave hugs. Therefore, it's crucial to understand your dog well, knowing what they like and dislike. This can be achieved by understanding their body language, which helps you gauge their feelings when hugged. If you see them leaning away, turning their head, yawning, licking their lips, or displaying signs of distress, it's an indication that they may not be comfortable with it.

2. Avoid Touching Your Dog's Face:

 Similar to hugging, dogs generally do not appreciate having their faces touched at all. If you want to avoid bothering your dog, refrain from putting your hands on their head or getting close to their face. Avoid rushing towards them or running, especially if you've recently acquainted yourself with them.

 If you need to brush your dog's teeth or clean their ears, proceed with caution, doing so slowly and gently while encouraging them and offering treats. If you notice signs of discomfort, such as fear or aggressive behavior, immediately back off to prevent a negative outcome. It's always better to exercise caution to avoid a dog bite.

3. Let Your Dog Explore the World:

 When you take your dog for a walk and outdoor activities, it doesn't see it as mere exercise. Dogs enjoy strolling and walking outdoors; it's an opportunity for them to explore the world around them. While humans explore the world by looking at the nature around them, dogs have a different way of discovering the world. 

 Dogs use their strong sense of smell to explore their surroundings, getting close to objects and sniffing their scents. Therefore, when you take your dog for a walk and don't allow it to stop and sniff the scents of things around, it can be frustrating and disappointing, especially if it happens repeatedly.

 If you want to understand how your dog feels at that moment, imagine how your child feels when you take them to a toy store or a zoo, pull them by the arm, and don't let them stop and enjoy what they want to see. So, the next time you take your dog for a walk, let it explore the world around you, and don't make being at home one of the things dogs hate if confined.

4. Make Your Dog's Life More Structured:

 Some may think that dogs are different from humans and don't need regulated lives or routines to follow. The truth is that having a set routine and rules makes a dog happier, and it makes the owner more capable of controlling them.

 It's essential to establish a daily routine for your dog, including feeding times and, if possible, exercise schedules as exercises are crucial for their physical health. The routine is necessary for a dog's life as they have a biological clock. 

 If you implement a specific system for them, you'll notice how happy they become in just a few days. Rules and routines make a dog's world more joyful, and lively and enhance their trust. It also makes us better at predicting their behaviors.

5. Avoid Screaming and Harsh Punishments for Dogs:

 One of the worst things that dogs hate is being treated with cruelty or violence, just like everyone else. While dogs may not understand our words, they undoubtedly sense our emotions and comprehend our actions. If you have a sensitive or fearful dog, yelling at them and using harsh punishment only makes them more frightened and distressed. 

 It's well-known that fear doesn't equal respect, and methods of cruelty and fear do not build strong relationships. In the long run, a harsh approach will not be effective with your sensitive dog. When they lose their sense due to excessive cruelty, they may end up doing whatever they want, while you continue yelling without any benefit.

 The Best Method to Change Unwanted Dog Behavior is to adopt the positive reinforcement approach, which relies on rewards and encouragement instead of punishment and harshness. 

 If a dog does something wrong, such as grabbing or chewing something you don't want, instead of using the commands "drop it" or "leave it," you can teach them by grabbing their attention using the words "come" or "watch me." If they comply with your request, you should reward them for it. 

 Dogs often respond better when asked for something rather than when given commands like "stop" or the endless "no."

6. Don't Force Your Dog to Wear Clothes:

 One of the things dogs hate the most is being forced to wear clothes. If your dog is not accustomed to wearing clothes gradually, or when they are a small puppy, they will likely dislike wearing clothes. Many dogs may tolerate wearing some simple shirts or outfits, while many others do not enjoy it. 

 Before forcing your dog to wear, for example, a rabbit costume, first understand their tolerance level. Shirts and simple outfits are generally accepted by dogs, but what they might not allow is wearing something on their head or feet. 

 The question here is, how important is it to make your dog wear clothes? If you want to protect them from the cold, start by getting them used to wearing lightweight clothes. Encourage and motivate them, then gradually teach them to wear heavier clothes like sweaters and others. Pay close attention to their body language to know when to stop.

7. Beware of Strong Smells:

 Did you know that a dog's sense of smell is approximately 10,000 to 100,000 times stronger and more sensitive than that of humans? Generally, dogs enjoy sniffing all kinds of scents and perfumes. However, strong odors and perfumes containing chemicals can irritate their nose.

 The rule to follow is to avoid spraying any type of scent directly on the dog, as it is one of the actions dogs hate due to the harm it causes them. If they need a medical spray, avoid spraying it directly on their face.

 It's better to spray it on a piece of cloth and then rub it on their body. Be cautious when using your products like perfumes, hair sprays, and cleaners. It's best to avoid using them near the dog and ensure that they are non-toxic products.

8. Don't Ignore Your Dog and Leave Them Alone:

 Dogs are social creatures; they dislike isolation and being left alone. Dogs tend to feel more comfortable in the company of other dogs, although some may prefer human companionship. In extreme cases, dogs may genuinely fear being left alone, experiencing separation anxiety.

 The problem arises as most dog owners need to go to work and fulfill their responsibilities, providing for their dogs among other things.

 Dogs don't understand this and feel sad when left alone. The best solution is to spend as much time as possible with them when at home. If you establish a daily routine that includes plenty of exercise and mental stimulation, it will have a positive impact on your dog's well-being. 

 If you plan to travel, consider finding a trusted pet sitter whom your dog is comfortable with. If you travel frequently, reconsider whether it's fair to own a dog.

9. Don't Force Your Dog into Uncomfortable Situations:

 Surely you've experienced your dog refusing to cross a certain street, being afraid in the bath, or reacting fearfully to certain animals, vet visits, cars, or specific people. All this refusal and fear may be due to phobias or anxiety.

 Forcing your dog to face their fears puts them under pressure and stress, leading to counterproductive results. The best way to address this is to place your dog in a safe area away from what they fear and gradually approach it, encouraging and motivating them. Avoid making them face what they fear without proper preparation. 

 If a vet visit causes anxiety, there are steps to make your dog like the vet. If fear persists and becomes a concern, seek help from a trainer or behavior expert.

10. Don't Be the Cause of Your Dog's Sadness:

 Human life oscillates between sadness, joy, success, and failure. No one feels happy all the time. Dogs share a close bond with their owners, so when you feel distress or depression, your dog may share the same feelings and even become ill due to your sadness.

  Always make an effort to stick to a routine that allows spending time with your dog, especially as canine companionship is a successful way to combat mental health issues. If you want to test this, take a walk with your dog, and you'll see the results.


In conclusion, understanding and respecting our canine companions' preferences and sensitivities is crucial for fostering a harmonious relationship. From avoiding forceful hugs to recognizing the importance of positive reinforcement, addressing these ten aspects can significantly enhance the well-being of our dogs. By embracing a dog-friendly approach, we can create an environment that promotes trust, happiness, and a deeper connection between humans and their beloved canine friends.


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