Artificial Intelligence and Our Future.

  Artificial Intelligence and Our Future.

Artificial Intelligence and Our Future.

 Artificial Intelligence and Our Future.

Our Future with Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial intelligence is impressive and inspiring. However, many people don't fully understand what lies beneath the term "artificial intelligence" or its more popular acronym "AI." The fact that an algorithm or device can outperform humans sparks the imagination. Although this technology is not new, recent advancements in software scaling have allowed AI to tackle more complex tasks. AI offers the best-reasoned solutions in the shortest amount of time.

Artificial intelligence is software capable of constant improvement. Once the software is loaded onto the appropriate hardware, its capabilities become limitless. The integration of artificial intelligence is a natural choice for humanity. The future is unimaginable without AI.

This technology makes our lives more productive and relieves us of unnecessary stress. The development of artificial intelligence is progressing at a faster pace than anticipated.

Artificial intelligence will likely be integrated into almost every industry and be able to address pressing issues such as climate change, waste management, energy crisis, healthcare, unemployment, and even wars.

However, this technology also brings serious challenges, such as the disappearance of traditional professions, the compromise of confidential information, discrimination, and the encouragement of human laziness. It is necessary to be aware of these issues to promote the development and implementation of artificial intelligence responsibly and ethically.

Our Future with Artificial Intelligence:

 In the year 2030, when artificial intelligence reaches its peak, people from all walks of life will benefit from its services.

 Let's try to imagine and analyze a typical situation for the future.

 You live in the year 2030 and are planning a vacation with your friends for the upcoming holidays. You inform your portable or wearable device (depending on which is more popular at that time) that you plan to go on a 5-day trip to Paradise Island with four friends. Then you ask it to prepare everything necessary and share the final details with you and your friends.

 These instructions are all you provide to the AI assistant. How will you plan your vacation with such limited data?

 The thing is, this information may be insufficient for a human, but not for AI. Let's see how it will proceed.

 The AI receives the following input:

  • Plan a vacation (what);
  • On Paradise Island (where);
  • During the upcoming holidays (when);
  • With four friends (who).

 AI Assistant knows its owner very well. It is aware of your habits, preferences, likes, dislikes, fantasies, goals, and more. Over the years, it has built a detailed profile of you, taking into account your surroundings. Remember, we are in the year 2030, where everything is interconnected. Your AI assistant will be connected to the AI assistants of your friends, family, colleagues, and acquaintances.

 With the instructions provided, the AI assistant will start planning. Its algorithm will check routes, available modes of transportation, the most comfortable vacation conditions (considering the weather at that time), indoor or outdoor activities to engage in during the vacation, sightseeing opportunities at the destination, available dining options (based on your health condition and usual preferences), and the return plan.

 After sorting everything out and selecting suitable options, the AI assistant will proceed with booking accommodations and flights according to the current standards. It will take all necessary measures to offer you a hassle-free experience. Travel, accommodation, dining, entertainment activities, and more will all be planned for you in advance (based on your past choices and preferences).

 Once the plan is finalized, the AI assistant will share all the details with you. Upon expressing your approval (with a mouse click or gesture), the program will be locked in (with confirmed reservations and payments). All the details will automatically be transmitted to your friends through their AI assistants. Thus, you will be fully prepared for an unforgettable journey.

 In 2030, it would be unwise to question such a plan because AI will analyze numerous data points to choose the most suitable options. It can access extensive historical databases to recommend the best choices. Humans cannot compete with a supercomputer system capable of making decisions (almost always correct) in fractions of a second.

 The scenario mentioned above provides just a glimpse of what awaits us in the future.

Types of Artificial Intelligence:

 AI is often confused with robots capable of thinking and acting like humans. They are not the same. AI has multiple operational levels and can be weak or strong.

 In a broad sense, the technology can be divided into the following types:

1. Narrow AI:

This is the fundamental level. It operates based on pre-defined instructions and does not change over time (unless updated). Examples of narrow AI include Apple's Siri, Google Assistant, and Amazon's Alexa.

2. Smart AI:

Performs functions similar to humans. It is designed to mimic human-like actions in such a way as to reduce or eliminate human involvement. The program has some self-learning capabilities based on extensive historical work results. Smart AI is predominantly used in healthcare, sports, gaming, manufacturing, and the financial sector.

3. Super AI:

Possesses human-level intelligence and can even surpass it. Such advanced algorithms are still under development but have the potential to revolutionize everything in the future. Super AI will be particularly beneficial in industries such as the military-industrial complex, cybersecurity, space exploration, nuclear energy, metallurgy, robotics, autonomous vehicles, virtual reality, and more.

Artificial Intelligence Learning Techniques:

 Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a complex computer code that utilizes advanced data processing and learning technologies to perform specific tasks. Machine learning is one of the most powerful technologies that enables AI to achieve human-like performance. AI provides statistical tools for data analysis and learning.

 There are several methods of machine learning, which are described in detail below.

1. Supervised Learning:

 Supervised methods involve training an AI program on a set of labeled data. The correct outcome of the training program is already known and passed to the AI model, allowing it to achieve that outcome when provided with a series of input data. Supervised learning is used for image classification, speech recognition, and fraud detection.

2. Unsupervised Learning:

In contrast to supervised learning, this group of methods involves training an AI model on a set of unlabeled data. The desired outcome is usually unknown, and it is up to the AI model to discover it. Unsupervised learning is used for data compression and anomaly detection.

3. Reinforcement Learning:

 These advanced learning methods involve an AI model learning to make decisions while operating in a specific environment to generate a reward signal. The actions taken by the AI model are evaluated based on predefined references, and the strength of reward signals is determined. The ultimate goal is to enable the AI model to take actions that maximize reward signals for any operation. Reinforcement learning is used in autonomous driving, gaming, and robotics.

4. Deep Learning:

 These learning methods allow machines to think and act like humans. By loading human-level intelligence into a system using a framework, the goal is to simulate the human brain. The method is called "deep" because it uses multiple layers of artificial neurons to make decisions.

 The following types of architectures are used in deep learning methods:

  • Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for working with numerical data.
  • Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for handling images, audio, and video data.
  • Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) for working with time series data.
  • Multi Neural Network (MNN) for manipulating complex datasets.

 Deep learning is used in natural language processing, image recognition, and games.

5. Transfer Learning:

 These cutting-edge machine-learning methods are based on CNN-type architectures. The AI model utilizes knowledge gained from previously completed tasks to solve current problems. It constantly learns from its history and improves itself.

 Transfer learning is used in language translation, image classification, and simulating the real world.

The Role of Data Science:

 To develop a powerful AI model, it is not enough to know the aforementioned learning methods. It is necessary to combine the results obtained using these learning methods to come to a logical conclusion. This merging is done through data science. It involves extracting ideas and knowledge from data to propose the right actions. Data science covers all levels of machine learning and attempts to uncover hidden patterns. Over time, datasets will become increasingly complex, and continuous improvement will be required to manage the situation.

Advantages of Artificial Intelligence:

 Many fear that they will lose their jobs because of AI, but that is not the case. Surprisingly, artificial intelligence opens up many employment opportunities. It simply changes the type of work from traditional to futuristic. The world will demand new services and products. There will be a growing demand for programmers, software engineers, data processing specialists, data server operators, hardware developers, system providers, human-machine interface (HMI) designers, and many others associated with this field.

 Artificial intelligence has numerous advantages. Let's list the most significant and impactful ones:

1. Enhances productivity:

Artificial intelligence possesses powerful analytical capabilities. It can quickly provide forecasts and make decisions with high accuracy. AI devices do not require time for rest and recovery. They can work continuously, without errors, and a decrease in productivity. All these factors enhance productivity, allowing people to achieve much more.

2. Optimizes research and development:

The development of medical equipment and medications requires constant optimization to improve the level of healthcare. This enables the solution of complex problems. With the help of AI, doctors and scientists can explore a wide range of historical databases to take the right actions. Modeling can be used to test the effectiveness of developed medications. Predictions regarding future illnesses in patients can be made long before the actual symptoms appear. AI has the potential to revolutionize the medical industry.

3. Reduces production costs:

AI can eliminate the need for human labor and expensive equipment in low-skilled workstations. The manufacturing sector requires the constant execution of repetitive processes to create products. AI-powered devices can perform these tasks better than humans, saving significant costs.

4. Acts as a personal assistant:

Artificial intelligence can automate routine tasks, allowing people to have more time for other important matters. A virtual AI assistant can set reminders, learn new things, play music, autonomously drive a car, track productivity, and manage time. An AI model tailored to your personal preferences and habits will provide you with the best experience.

5. Enhances customer service quality:

An AI model designed for customer service can provide support to customers 24/7 without the need for human intervention. Response time can be significantly reduced as the AI model is preloaded with a vast amount of customer service information. Since AI models excel at identifying behavioral patterns, customers can expect services tailored to their individual needs.

6. Expand opportunities for people with disabilities:

Approximately 13% of the world's population (1 billion people) have some form of disability. Artificial intelligence becomes their guardian angel. People with speech or hearing impairments can use AI devices to perform daily tasks. AI assists healthcare professionals in diagnosing and treating complex health issues. AI-powered self-driving vehicles enable greater mobility. Regardless of the nature and degree of disability, individuals can access education through specialized AI services.

7. Creates new job opportunities:

While AI may replace some jobs, it also creates many employment opportunities. Machine learning, data science, software design, AI-compatible hardware development, and AI maintenance will become the most sought-after fields of employment in the future. AI will give rise to new areas such as autonomous driving, AI-based healthcare, automation, chatbot development, personal robotics, smart homes, and advanced technology-based manufacturing.

8. Facilitates everyday life:

 With the implementation of artificial intelligence, our lives will never be the same again. AI enhances the sense of security and tranquility. We no longer have to ponder over managing routine tasks. We can dedicate more time to critical and creative pursuits. AI provides greater control over finances and health. Learning with AI becomes much easier. People of the future will lead more productive and balanced lives with the help of AI.

Disadvantages of artificial intelligence:

 Any technology is good if used with good intentions. Below are some pressing issues associated with artificial intelligence.

1. Threat to privacy:

AI systems store tons of user data, both personal and corporate. These systems require an immense amount of data points to function effectively. If an AI database is hacked, user data can be exposed.

2. Risk of security breaches:

In the future, AI will have complete control over our security systems. Humans cannot guarantee the level of protection that AI security systems can provide. The computational and analytical capabilities of AI, along with its decision-making ability, will be exceptional. What will happen if such a critical security system is compromised? The damage could be catastrophic.

3. Possibility of unethical practices:

AI systems operate based on the programs and ethical norms embedded in them. Any distortions or biases introduced into the program can be destructive. This can lead to the spread of negative emotions, unethical practices, and unfair outcomes. An unfair AI system can undermine transparency and even question human rights by suppressing freedom of speech.

4. Excessive dependence on technology:

While AI can make life easier and more productive, it can also lead to the development of apathy and laziness in us. If AI can do everything for you, will you still take independent action?

5. Lack of human interaction:

Concepts such as the metaverse, augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR) can be effectively developed using advanced AI tools. If you can have a meeting with friends and family at the touch of a button, you may not feel the need to go somewhere to interact with them. Such habits do not align with our nature. Humans are not designed for this. Fundamental human values have evolved over thousands of years to teach us how to live in communities. Virtual interactions disrupt social structure.

6. Job reduction:

 As AI becomes more powerful, people will inevitably lose their jobs. Companies will prefer to reduce their workforce whenever AI presents itself as a reasonable alternative.

 The challenges can be mitigated by creating a robust and reliable framework to address the aforementioned issues. Ethical AI deployment should be ensured through the implementation of stricter laws that persist regardless of circumstances.

Future Events with Artificial Intelligence:

 Research shows that in the next three years, approximately 30% of outgoing messages from companies will be transmitted using AI. Currently, this number stands at only 3%. Furthermore, by 2030, over 50% of blockbusters will be created using AI.

 Artificial intelligence will not stop there. Leading automobile companies are investing billions of dollars in the development of self-driving cars. Recent progress in language AI models has shown remarkable results in solving natural language processing tasks. The supercomputing capabilities of artificial intelligence, combined with its ability to self-learn, assist in fraud detection, market trend forecasting, investing, trading, and portfolio management. AI will have a far-reaching impact on healthcare services, accelerating diagnosis and treatment through its use.


 Market reports indicate that the global business potential in AI could reach approximately $280 billion by 2027. The time for implementing AI in business has arrived. The technology will stay with us and continue to develop steadily.

 Of course, initially, we were not ready to embrace AI, but that's normal. Every breakthrough technology has to go through this stage of resistance. The same thing happened in the early 1990s with the internet.

 When the internet became popular, people who couldn't grasp its true potential expressed the same concerns. In the past, there was much concern about job loss with the introduction of computers and the Internet. We all know how that turned out. Today, our lives are unimaginable without computers, mobile phones, and the internet (both professionally and personally). AI can expect a similar or even brighter future as it is a natural extension of human intelligence.

 AI will permeate almost every field and dominate them. Ultimately, it may surpass human intelligence. Therefore, it is important to discuss potential negative consequences and set boundaries so that we, as humans, do not become victims of our creations. We must be vigilant and take the right steps for humanity to benefit from this invention.

 We have limitations, but artificial intelligence is limitless. We may miss something, but AI will retain everything in its memory. We can build better worlds with the support of AI. Changes related to AI are already happening and will only cease when they fully unleash their potential. The future of artificial intelligence depends on its creators and users.

 Artificial intelligence is a revolution that we should not reject. AI aims to change our lives for the better.
