The Complete Guide to Facebook Ads and Their Types 2024.

 The Complete Guide to Facebook Ads and Their Types 2024

The Complete Guide to Facebook Ads and Their Types 2024
The Complete Guide to Facebook Ads and Their Types 2024

 Currently, Facebook ads are one of the most effective advertising methods. Facebook is the social network with the largest number of active users in the world. As of 2021, there are approximately 2.85 billion active users on Facebook, so don’t miss out on the opportunity to advertise on this platform.

 Given the current boom in Facebook ads, it's no coincidence that a large number of companies have chosen to advertise through it. You can find the target audience for almost any product on Facebook. This platform offers a quick, economical, and effective way to reach users with your promotional messages. Thanks to the information Facebook collects about its users, you can even create campaigns targeted at a precise audience. Therefore, the success you can achieve using Facebook ads is almost limitless.

What is Sponsored Facebook Ads?

 You can easily set up an attractive ad on Facebook thanks to the advertising tools available! All it takes is a message with an eye-catching image or video that grabs your audience's attention. If you've used other online advertising platforms like Google Ads, you'll see that there are not many differences between the types of these ads.

 Creating ads on Facebook requires a budget to invest in advertising and a message to share with your audience. Although you can create promotional ads targeting all Facebook users, it’s better to have a well-defined target audience to get the best results from the ad campaign.

What are the Advantages of Creating Facebook Ads?

 Facebook possesses a wealth of data about its users, allowing marketers to use this data when targeting their audiences. When creating an ad on Facebook, you can specify demographic characteristics such as location, gender, and age. Additionally, audiences can be targeted based on lifestyle choices, such as:

  • Interests
  • Behaviors (such as previous purchases)
  • Education and work history
  • Income
  • Political affiliation
  • Languages

Types of Facebook Ads:

 To use Facebook ads effectively, you need to match your goal with the appropriate ad type. Facebook offers a variety of different ad formats to choose from. By understanding the different specifications for each, you'll be able to choose the best type and take one step closer to creating successful Facebook ads.

1. Facebook Image Ads

This is the easiest and most effective way to advertise on Facebook. If you’ve scrolled through your Facebook feed, you've undoubtedly seen these before. Image ads are quick and easy to create, enabling you to start promoting your business in minutes!

How to Use It?

Just make sure the image ads are attractive, effective, and easy to read and interpret. Therefore, you should choose your images carefully.

Designing a Facebook Ads:

 There are some guidelines you must adhere to when creating Facebook ads to ensure they are approved by Facebook's management. Some of the most important guidelines are:

  • The technical specifications of your image affect its approval. Ensure you upload images in the highest resolution possible.
  • The minimum height and width for images should be 600 pixels.
  • The file should be in JPG or PNG format.
  • The image ratio should be between 9:16 and 16:9.
  • The text in your images cannot exceed 125 characters.

2. Facebook Video Ads:

A Facebook video ad is similar to an image ad but features a video instead of a static image.

How to Use It:

 Facebook video ads are a great way to incorporate motion into your ad and make it stand out in the news feed. You can use a video ad to showcase multiple products or your brand in exciting ways that capture the attention of browsers and quickly convey your message.

 Video ads allow you to introduce consumers to your product while also educating them about all the value propositions you offer. By the end of the video, they will have no questions left and will feel ready to make a purchase.

Video Ad Specifications:

  • Maximum file size: 4 GB
  • Primary text: 125 characters
  • Aspect ratio: 4:5
  • Video length can be up to 241 minutes, but it is recommended to keep it short, between 15 to 30 seconds, to avoid viewer boredom.

3. Facebook Carousel Ads

 What makes carousel ads unique compared to other types of Facebook ads is that they allow you to showcase up to 10 images or videos within a single ad, each with its link.

How to Use It:

 If you want to tell a story through Facebook ads or showcase multiple products from a collection, carousel ads are ideal for you. These ads provide a more creative space to share media that reflects your message and brand (these ads can also be shared via Messenger).

Carousel Ad Specifications:

  • Recommended image size: at least 1080 x 1080 pixels
  • Number of images allowed: between 2 and 10
  • Primary text: 125 characters
  • Headline: 40 characters
  • Description: 20 characters

4. Collection Ad:

 Using this type of Facebook ad, your audience can scroll through a collection of images, tilt the images in different directions, and scroll up and down, even zooming in and out, making them more interactive. However, one drawback is that they can only be displayed on mobile devices.

5. Slideshow Ad:

 The slideshow type of Facebook ad is a looping video of up to 10 images. When choosing this type of Facebook ad, you can simply upload 3 to 10 images, and Facebook will convert them into a slideshow in a few seconds.

 The advantages of Facebook slideshow ads are that they are a faster and easier alternative to video ads. Slideshow ads are mainly used to showcase multiple products or products from different angles. They can also be used to highlight product features and demonstrate its effectiveness by showing differences and results before and after using it.

What is Facebook Ads Manager?

 Facebook Ads Manager is a tool that allows you to manage, create, and edit Facebook ads easily. Additionally, it analyzes promotional campaigns to inform you about the success of your ads and what you can do to improve them. 

 Recently, Facebook integrated Ads Manager and Power Editor into a single platform to streamline the creation and monitoring of ad campaigns across multiple advertising platforms owned by Facebook, including Instagram ads.

Objectives of Facebook Ads:

 What is your goal in publishing a Facebook ad?

Your answer to this question will vary based on what you want to achieve. There are several different objectives for publishing ads, and you should choose the one that aligns with your goals.

1. Awareness:

  • Brand Awareness: Increase awareness of your brand and showcase the services you offer to the audience.
  • Reach: Show the ad to as many people as possible who might be interested in your content, products, services, etc.

2. Consideration:

  • Engagement: Gain interactions such as shares, comments, likes, and other types of engagement.
  • App Installs: Direct people to the app store to download an app.
  • Traffic: Direct people from within Facebook to a page, website, or any other link you desire.
  • Lead Generation: Create Facebook ads aimed at collecting data from potential customers who might be interested in your business.
  • Video Views: Share videos with content related to your business to engage your potential audience.
  • Messages: Communicate with customers directly through Messenger, Instagram, or WhatsApp to attract more attention to your business.

3. Conversion:

  • Conversions: Encourage the audience to complete a specific action on your business site, such as purchasing a product, creating an account, adding a product to the cart, or even activating a discount code, among many others.
  • Catalog Sales: Increase sales of your online store by displaying your store's products in a catalog.
  • Store Visits: If your store has physical branches, you can direct people living in the surrounding areas to visit them.

How to Create Sponsored Facebook Ads

 If this is your first time creating an ad campaign on Facebook, don't panic. This guide will detail how to create a sponsored ad on Facebook to launch your first campaign on this social network!

Let's assume you want to promote one of your Facebook posts to increase interactions. The first thing you need to do is publish your post on your page and follow all the subsequent steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile or page and select "Create Ad" from the dropdown menu at the top right of the page.
  2. Choose the campaign objective: When you are on the Facebook Ads page, select the option “Post Engagement” (or any other objective that suits your needs).
  3. Name the ad campaign: As a tip, we recommend naming it “Engagement” followed by your chosen name. For example: Carnival Engagement.
  4. Define your target audience: This is the most crucial step in your campaign, as it will determine the success of your ad.
  5. Choose where you want your ads to appear: It’s up to you! But if you want advice from the Facebook Ads Manager: if you wish to create an ad targeting both Instagram and Facebook, it’s important to create an Instagram campaign first, then design a more suitable campaign for Facebook. Why? 
  6. Set your budget: Now it’s time to determine the budget you want to allocate to your Facebook ad campaign.
  7. Everything is ready! Your campaign is now ready, but if you still want to take a final look to ensure everything is correct, there is still time to do so!
  8. Monitor the ad: After the ad is approved and published, you can track it and see the results using the Facebook Pixel tool.

How to Pay for Facebook Ads:

 Facebook offers you a variety of payment methods to choose from to pay for your Facebook ads. Before you start, you must ensure that you are the account's advertising admin; otherwise, you might encounter an error when you try to add a payment method.

 You are required to add a payment method before you can publish any ads. To add a payment method to your Facebook Business Manager, follow these simple steps below:

  1. Log in to your Facebook Ads account.
  2. Click on the grid icon at the top left of your screen to access “Business Tools.”
  3. Select the “Billing” option.
  4. On the “Billing” page, click on “Payment Settings.”
  5. Once you’re on the “Payment Settings” screen, hover over the “Payment Method” section and click “Add Payment Method.”
  6. Enter your payment information and click “Continue.”

You can pay for Facebook ads using various methods such as PayPal, Vodafone Cash, and other available options.

Purchasing Facebook Ads Vouchers:

 Everyone knows that advertising on Facebook is the cheapest way to promote businesses these days. However, small and new business owners still look for vouchers to reduce Facebook ad costs even further.

 But before purchasing any coupons, first, check the reviews of the website you intend to buy from online, as there are many fake sites.

6 Ways to Get Free Ads Credit on Facebook

 If you’ve tried all the voucher codes available online and none of them worked, don’t worry. You can still get free ad credit on Facebook by following these methods:

  1. Purchase a hosting plan (PLUS, CHOICE PLUS, PRO) from Bluehost to get a free $200 ad credit.
  2. Create a Facebook page to receive up to $30 in free credit after consistently posting and gaining engagement for several days.
  3. Create a new ad with a small budget of around $10 to receive a bonus of more than $10 in Facebook ad credit.
  4. Fill out a survey to earn a free ad voucher. Sometimes, Facebook offers surveys to gather user feedback. Upon completing the survey, Facebook will provide you with a free ad voucher.
  5. Buy Facebook ad coupons from Fiverr, which might be more economical than other sources.
  6. Partner with Facebook advertising companies.

Facebook Ads Packages:

 You can spend from $1 a day to any amount you desire. You can also choose to have the ad displayed automatically or set a start and end date, so you don’t always have to monitor the progress of your campaign and pay for Facebook ads daily.

 Our role is to teach you how to publish Facebook ads and get the most out of them, but we allow you to set the Facebook ad prices you want to spend! The cost of Facebook ads varies based on the number of people you want the ad to reach, the number of days the ad runs, and many other factors.

Facebook Ad Policies:

With increased scrutiny over how Facebook monitors the content that users and advertisers promote on their accounts and pages, Facebook's ad guidelines have become stricter than ever. As a result, you need a solid understanding of what is allowed and what is not to ensure your ads get approved.

Prohibited Facebook Ads:

  • Adult content
  • Hate speech and harassment
  • Illegal drugs
  • Prescription medication (only pre-approved pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies can run such ads on Facebook)
  • Alcohol sales
  • Online gambling
  • Tobacco products and related paraphernalia
  • Dating sites
  • Weapons, ammunition, and explosives
  • Promoting or facilitating illegal activities

How to Cancel a Facebook Ad:

 When you create your ad campaign, you set a daily budget that you want to spend on ads – and then Facebook publishes the ads according to that budget. However, if the campaign’s end date has not yet arrived, you can delete your ad campaign at any time if you feel the need to do so by following these steps:

  • Go to the Facebook website and log in.
  • Click on “Manage Existing Ads” from the options menu on the right side of the screen.
  • Click on the status of the ad campaign you want to cancel, then select “Delete” from the drop-down menu.
  • Click “Save” and the selected Facebook ads will be stopped.
