Writing a persuasive speech in five simple steps.

 Writing a persuasive speech in five simple steps.

Writing a persuasive speech in five simple steps.
Writing a persuasive speech in five simple steps.

Writing a persuasive speech in five steps.

 Writing a professional speech is an essential skill in any field of work. A well-written speech can be an effective tool for persuading and motivating the audience, as well as easily achieving your objectives. So, what is the importance of writing speeches and how can you write a formal speech?

What is meant by writing speeches?

 Writing speeches refers to the process of writing written messages exchanged by individuals or organizations to convey information, ideas, or requests, whether formally or informally.

 The process of writing a speech requires a lot of planning, preparation, and practice. The format and tone of the speech vary depending on its purpose and the relationship between the sender and the recipient. The speech should be written in a skillful, logical, and persuasive manner, delivering a clear, specific, understandable, and impactful message to the audience.

What are the types of speeches?

There are various types of speeches, each with its format, tone, and purpose. Here are some of the most common types of speeches:

1. Personal Speeches:

 Personal speeches are usually used for informal communication, so they are written in a friendly and casual tone. They can be used to share news, express gratitude, or maintain contact with someone who is far away. The following are included:

  • Friendly speeches: These are addressed to friends or people with whom you have a close relationship. They include personal stories, updates, and shared experiences, conveyed in a warm and friendly tone. They serve as a means to strengthen and maintain personal relationships.
  • Condolence speeches: These are used to express sympathy and offer condolences to someone who has suffered a loss or sadness. These speeches convey support and understanding during difficult times.
  • Thank-you speeches: These speeches are written to express gratitude and appreciation to someone who has done something kind or helpful. They can be sent after receiving a gift, assistance, or any act that deserves thanks. They demonstrate genuine appreciation and strengthen personal relationships.
  • Apology speeches: These are written to apologize for mistakes, misunderstandings, or harm caused to someone. These speeches show remorse, take responsibility, and express a sincere desire to make amends. They are often used to repair personal relationships.
  • Invitation speeches: These are directed towards inviting individuals to events, parties, celebrations, or gatherings. They provide details such as the date, time, location, and purpose of the event.
  • Congratulations speeches: These are presented to congratulate someone on an achievement or special occasion. They express joy, pride, and admiration for the person's accomplishment. They can be sent to congratulate on graduation, promotions, birthdays, or other significant events.

2. Business Speeches:

 Business speeches are used for professional communication between companies, organizations, or individuals. They serve various purposes such as requesting information, products, or services, responding to complaints, or sending important information. Business speeches should be professional, focused, and delivered with a clear objective and a professional tone. They include the following:

  • Inquiry speeches: Used to gather information or make inquiries about a product, service, or job opportunity. They are typically sent to a company or organization to request specific details, pricing, or other relevant information.
  • Cover letters: Usually submitted alongside a resume or job application, where the applicant explains the purpose of the job application and highlights relevant skills, experiences, and qualifications.
  • Thank-you speeches: Sent to express gratitude and appreciation to customers, partners, or colleagues.
  • Complaint speeches: Used to raise concerns or express dissatisfaction with a product, service, or experience. They identify the problem and provide supporting details while requesting a resolution or corrective action.
  • Resignation speeches: Written by employees to formally notify employers of their decision to leave a job. They explain departure details and reasons while expressing gratitude for available opportunities.

3. Recommendation Speeches:

 Recommendation speeches are written by individuals who can vouch for the qualifications, skills, and character of the person being recommended. They are usually used for job applications, admission to academic programs or professional organizations, academic promotions at universities, or nominations for various awards. The goal is to provide a positive evaluation of the individual, highlighting their abilities, qualifications, and personal qualities. A recommendation speech serves as a reliable endorsement, enhancing the recommended person's chances of securing the desired opportunity.

4. Official Speeches:

 Official letters are a type of written communication used for formal correspondence, business communications, or when writing to a person of higher authority or for formal purposes. Official speeches follow a specific structure, often including a formal greeting, introduction, main paragraphs, and a polite conclusion.

What is the importance of writing speeches?

 Writing speeches is considered one of the essential tools used in various fields, and their importance varies depending on their purpose. The importance of writing speeches can be summarized as follows:

1. Communication and relationship building:

 Writing speeches helps you effectively communicate in the work environment establish strong personal and professional relationships and maintain them. By expressing your ideas and feelings in a clear and organized manner that the other party can clearly understand, you can enhance trust and understanding with your colleagues and managers.

2. Persuading the audience:

 Writing a professional speech is crucial for persuading the audience. It helps you achieve your goals or make requests by presenting your case logically and convincingly in the speech. This increases the chances of the recipient agreeing to your proposal or taking the required action. For example, your acceptance of a scholarship or scientific conference may depend on the letter of intent you have written. A well-written speech is an effective means of influencing others.

3. Record keeping:

 Speeches serve as a written record of communication between parties, which can be useful for future reference, particularly in legal or business matters. It is necessary to have documentation of agreements, requests, decisions, or correspondence for use in times of need or disputes.

4. Supporting talents and outstanding individuals for grants:

 You may be an expert who needs to write recommendation speeches to testify to the qualifications and skills of the outstanding person being recommended, whether for employment, academic programs, or professional organizations. Without knowing how to write a well-crafted recommendation speech, the outstanding individual may lose their opportunity for acceptance.

Skills of a professional speech writer:

 Several skills are necessary to make a speechwriter proficient in successfully carrying out the task, such as:

Exceptional writing skills:

 A professional speechwriter should possess exceptional writing skills, including the ability to write clearly and concisely, use language effectively to convey complex ideas and emotions, adapt the writing style to the needs of the speaker, and have a mastery of writing rules, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. Familiarity with rhetorical techniques such as metaphors, similes, and persuasive language is also important, as these techniques help enhance the persuasive power of the speech and create the desired impact.

Research skills:

 The ability to conduct comprehensive research on the topic of the speech, including gathering information from various sources such as books and articles, is a crucial skill for a speechwriter. They should be able to compile this information into a coherent and persuasive narrative that supports the speech.

Identifying and understanding the purpose of the speech:

 A professional speechwriter should have a deep understanding of the target audience of the speech. They must anticipate the needs and interests of the recipient and design the speech accordingly, avoiding unnecessary elaboration or excessive brevity.

Message development:

 The ability to extract complex ideas or concepts and present them in clear and concise messages is a skill that should not be overlooked by a professional speechwriter. This includes the ability to organize ideas and content and identify key points to ensure a cohesive and impactful speech.


Speeches often benefit from incorporating elements of storytelling, so a speechwriter should be adept at crafting stories, anecdotes, and examples that resonate with the audience. Storytelling helps capture the audience's attention, evoke emotions, and make the speech memorable.

How to write a professional speech?

 To ensure that a speech yields the desired results, there are several steps to follow when writing a professional speech:

1. Determine the purpose of the speech:

 The first step in writing a professional speech is to determine its purpose. Is it for job applications, complaints, information inquiries, or presenting facts and information? This will help you structure your message, and choose the appropriate tone, writing style, and format.

 For example, in business and corporate speeches, your style should be formal, starting with a formal greeting, maintaining titles, and presenting your points concisely. On the other hand, speeches related to social and personal events can utilize a more personal and optimistic style.

2. Identify the recipient and contact information:

 After determining the purpose of the speech and selecting the appropriate writing style, to start your speech with proper organization that aids the flow of ideas, begin by writing the recipient's full name, job title, and professional greeting such as "Dear Mr./Ms." Then, write your name, address, phone number, and email in the top right corner of the letterhead, aligning the right margin, and write the complete date below the contact information.

3. Write the introduction:

 After addressing the recipient and writing the greeting, you can start with a short introductory paragraph that introduces yourself and mentions the purpose of your speech. A professional introduction helps capture the recipient's attention and can be done by providing the necessary context to clarify the intentions of the speech, such as posing a question or sharing a brief story.

4. Write the body of the speech and conclusion:

 This step is the most important in writing the speech as it forms the essence of the speech. Here, you can expand on the main points of the speech using clear and concise language, providing relevant details, supporting information, and arguments that serve your purpose. It is important to organize and present your ideas logically.

 In the final paragraph of the speech, you can summarize the key points, restate the request, or refer to the objective to reinforce the idea with the recipient. Following that, express appreciation for the recipient's attention to the speech and for taking the time. Mention any attachments to the speech if applicable, and finally, conclude the speech with an appropriate professional sentence, leaving space for a digital signature or handwritten signature.

 Writing a professional speech may be a challenging task that requires experience and practice. However, if entrusted to a professional speechwriter, it can be easily and accomplished. If you wish to write a formal and professional speech, it is advised not to take risks and seek assistance from professional speechwriting services provided by experts on platforms like Khamsat, the largest Arabic marketplace for buying and selling freelance services.

5. Review the speech and check formatting:

The final step before sending the speech is to ensure that it appears professional. This can be done by reading the speech aloud and carefully proofreading for spelling and grammar errors, as well as correcting punctuation marks. Additionally, review the formatting of the speech, ensuring the use of a professional, easily readable font size 11 or 12, such as Times New Roman or Arial, and check for consistent margins and text alignment.

8 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Formal Speech

 When writing a formal speech, it is important to maintain a professional tone and adhere to specific guidelines while avoiding some common mistakes, such as:

  1. Spelling and grammatical errors: Review your speech carefully to ensure there are no spelling or grammatical mistakes. These errors can make your message appear unprofessional and diminish its impact.
  2. Using informal language: Avoid using colloquial expressions when writing a formal speech. Instead, stick to formal language and proper grammar to maintain a professional tone.
  3. Lack of clarity and conciseness: Ensure that your message is clear and concise. Avoid long or complicated sentences that may confuse the reader. Get straight to the point to effectively convey your message.
  4. Neglecting proper formatting: Pay attention to the formatting of your speech. Use an appropriate font and size, maintain consistent margins, and align the text correctly to ensure your speech looks professional.
  5. Not addressing the recipient accurately: Address the recipient by their name and appropriate title. If you are unsure of the recipient's gender or name, use a neutral greeting such as "Dear Sir/Madam."
  6. Lack of specificity: Be specific and provide relevant details in your speech. Vague statements can confuse the reader or weaken the impact of your message. Offer clear and precise information to express your intentions clearly.
  7. Inappropriate tone: Maintain a polite tone throughout your entire speech, regardless of the content. Avoid using confrontational or aggressive language, even if you are expressing a complaint or disagreement. Strive to maintain a professional and diplomatic tone.
  8. Failure to provide evidence or support: If you make claims or present information in your speech, provide evidence or supporting examples to strengthen your points. This helps establish credibility and adds weight to your arguments.

 In conclusion, the skill of writing speeches is vital for effective communication and persuading others with your vision and ideas. While this skill requires effort and practice, it can be learned and improved through training and perseverance.
